Photo and video Credit: Edward Onsoh and Julia Gyemant
Cut & Editing: John Herman
Collaborative Performance by Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi [crazinisT artisT] (Kumasi, Ghana)
John Herman (Cologne, Germany)
Represented by perforcraZe International Artist residency (pIAR)
Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi [crazinisT artisT] and John Herman’s collaboration explores the notion of imperfections, ‘sick-cursed bodies’ and bodies labeled as disable and taboos in relation to those patriarchal structures that seek to validate our being. The duo inserts their bodies in the vitruvian geometries as symbols of disruption, failure, contamination and incomplete beings struggling to survive, reaching seemingly structures that controls their narratives and those that idealised our collective sense of belonging and becoming. Both artists seemed enveloped in shame, rejections and inferiority while negotiating for their own placement within such elements and spaces that do not necessarily make provisions for their existence. crazinisT and John Herman investigate how imperfect bodies emerge in relation to idealised “man” to which our [being] is geometrically placed and defined by the [lacks], the refineries that reproduce masculinity, femininity, queerness, “weirdness” and potency.