INTI-mate Heal-inG

Performance by Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi (crazinisT artisT)
12:00PM CET, 14th June 2022
Casinoplatz (Feminist Strike, Bern Switzerland)
INTI-mate Heal-inG is a public performance installation by Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi (also known as crazinisT artisT) expanding the discussions on the bodies; condemned as ill, imperfect, illegal, and uncultured. The performance challenges our imaginations on how marginalised groups are represented and/or presented in the mainstream media or affected by discriminatory policies such as economic, religious, medical and social exclusion. We are in the age of 'Postcolonial-colonialism' which is rapidly advancing systemic erasure and constitutional alienation of people considered to be others, aliens and non-citizens. It has been gradually woven into national and international structures by normalising discrimination against migrants, womxn, LGBTQIA+ people, BIPOC, physically challenged groups ( referred to as disabled bodies), nonconforming body etc.
This final public performance is part of my residency project 'ILL-E-Girl BODY' (from the word 'illegal + ill girl') inspired by my first visit to Bern (2016). I will presents a 'comprehensive performance installation' in the public square of the Casinoplatz (14 June 2022) within the feminist collective strike. INTI-mate Heal-inG reveals a kind of [clinical voyeur] and decodes our vulnerabilities as 'aliens' while inviting the audience to participate in embodied solidarity, and intimate rituals of healing. It also allows the audience to interact, touch, and reflect on their own vulnerabilities and privileges.
About the artist:
Va-Bene (sHit/She) is a multidisciplinary artivist, curator, mentor, founder and director of perfocraZe International Artists Residency in Kumasi Ghana. As a black-trans-woman, sHit has been one of the main front line fighters for LGBTQIA+ rights in Ghana and abroad, confronting issues such as disenfranchisement, social justice, violence, objectification, internalised oppression, anti blackness, systemic indoctrination and many more. for more information please click here
My residency at the Residency.CH PROGR Art Centre, Bern is supported and funded by Pro Helvetia
#lovecancureyou #LoveWins #crazinistartist #feministstrike #Intimatehealing
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